Bigfoot Tree Stand #12, 1/pk



Price > $7,000


Price > $15,000


Contributes to discounts.

Bogfoot Tree Stand #12, 30″ base ring, powder coated, 1/pk (Cranks now included in price).

SHOCKINGLY SIMPLE TO INSTALL!!   Must ship on a pallet…not an item that can ship in small packages.

Similar stands have been a fixture on many commercial tree lots for decades.  Available in 5 different sizes for trees ranging from 6’ to 20’ tall.  No drilling or special tools necessary, easy installation with the tap of a hammer and a hand crank will stand a tree straight in seconds. Cranks or Bolts sold separately. See video demonstration below.

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Bigfoot Tree Stand #12, 30″ base ring, powder coated, crank included 1/pk


Similar stands have been a fixture on many commercial tree lots for decades. *See bottom  Available in 5 different sizes for trees ranging from 6’ to 20’ tall.  No drilling or special tools necessary, easy installation with the tap of a hammer and a hand crank will stand a tree straight in seconds. Once the stand is installed, simply lift the tree up to a vertical position.  Tree is easily adjusted or straightened by bending slightly after installation.  Larger trees require lag bolts (supplied) to attach stand.  Replacement cranks available. Cranks now included in price. Recomended Tree Size = up to 12 foot. Please note that when these stands were named (#’s 8-20) back in the 1970’s, the number on the stand coresponded to the maximun tree height the stand would hold. Since 1970 commercially farmed Christmas trees have increased in weight. Due to this fact please keep in mind that for heavier trees, use a larger stand. (e.g. use a BTS12 for a heavy 10 foot tree).

Recomended Bowl Sizes:

  • BTS8-10 use Medium Flat Bottom 5 quart bowl (see Wood Stands & Bowls page)
  • BTS10-12 use Large 2.5 gallon bowl (see Wood Stands & Bowls page)
  • BTS15-20 use Super 7 gallon bowl (see on Bigfoot stand page)

*Pursell Manufacturing now makes our own variety – The Bigfoot Tree Stand(TM) in our Colorado Facility.

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